Record Type Document
Procedure Release Management Procedure
Work Instruction Vault Product Release Deployment WI
CRM Release Process WI
Network Release Process WI
Vault Maintenance WI
Network MDM Maintenance WI

Product release notes are published for all major releases and patch versions. These are available electronically, either from the application UI or from the support portal.

Release note narratives are organized by product area and by release date. Brief descriptions of the fixes, and for major releases, a description of the new functionality are documented.

At least four (4) weeks prior to each major release (GR), a formal release notification is distributed to customers via email, which details the forthcoming changes and provides a basis for customers to assess risks associated with the changes and new features included in the release. Emails are sent to all customer contacts designated to receive administration notifications. Additionally, customers may subscribe to their POD number to receive all notifications of changes to their instance at Veeva’s Trust Site.

Further information is available on Veeva’s online help pages:

See product-specific help pages for upcoming release dates.