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The Software testing process for new features/enhancements begins during feature design and implementation. A test engineer works with the product manager to ensure the requirements and acceptance criteria are clear; and works with the developer to understand the feature technical design. The test engineer creates the test cases needed to verify that a new feature meets acceptance criteria and is working as designed.
As the User Stories are marked as complete by developers, the test engineer then verifies the enhancement is complete or the defect is fixed. The test engineer tests the changes in the environment that corresponds to the release listed. SQA test cases are executed with the outcome captured in a testing tool specific to the release. If all tests are successful, the story is updated and accepted. In cases where the tests are not successful, the SQA engineer rejects the story (or creates one or more new bug stories). Whenever code fails SQA, all fixes must go back through the build and SQA processes.

SQA testing includes:

  • Unit Testing
  • Functional Testing
  • Non-Functional Testing
  • Regression Testing

For Validation Testing, please see: CSV approach

Record Type Document
Procedure Software QA Procedure
Work Instruction Vault Test Automation WI
Test Management WI - Vault