Record Type Document
Policy Business Continuity Policy
Procedure Business Continuity Procedure (BCP) Disaster Recovery Procedure – Vault
Disaster Recovery Procedure – CRM
Disaster Recovery Procedure – Network
Disaster Recovery Procedure - MyVeeva for Patients SOP
Work Instruction Disaster Recovery (DR) Test Work Instruction – Vault
Disaster Recovery (DR) Test Work Instruction – Network
Disaster Recovery (DR) Test Work Instruction – MYVP
Disaster Recovery for 3rd Party Applications WI
Vault Data Backup Work Instruction (AWS)
Network Data Backup Work Instruction
AWS Instance Release – Vault Work Instruction
AWS Instance Release – CRM Work Instruction
AWS Instance Release – Network Work Instruction
AWS Instance Release - CDB Workbench WI
AWS Instance Release - MyVeeva WI

An important aspect of Veeva’s Disaster Recovery strategy is the implementation of a scalable POD (Point of Delivery) architecture. Using readily available, commoditized servers supplied by our IaaS vendors, Veeva PODs are architected to run as a stand-alone application environment. Horizontal scalability and performance benefits are achieved by adding POD capacity. Our applications and infrastructure is designed to operate in a warm fail-over architecture, with 15-minute replication to a secondary site. Each Primary POD that has production Vaults has a defined Failover location and dedicated DR POD. The DR POD is a 100% redundant hardware configuration. (Note: for CRM the DR failover of transactional data is managed by (SFDC) who provides a DR summary report.) Vault PODs that do not contain production Vaults may not contain a DR POD.

Each data center can act as a “Primary” or “Failover” location. A Primary location has one or more active production PODs that support live customer environments. This location is chosen based on geographic separation and may act as the Failover site for the Primary location.

Identifying your Primary & Secondary (backup) locations

  1. Identify your POD number - available within “General Settings” page within your Production Vault. If inaccessible, reach out to your internal Vault Owner.
  2. Identify your Primary location via: POD Details Page.
  3. Identify your Seconday/Backup location via the Table 1 in Technical Operations Overview .

DR Testing Commitments

Veeva performs biannual DR testing exercises and provides customers with a summary report in ComplianceDocs.

The biannual DR tests also evidence that application backup/restore is operating in accordance with expected processes.

Disaster Recovery (DR) Testing Summaries

Knowledge Articles

Business Continuity Management